Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another retiree's experience with Caremark: 'Their recommendation saved me money!'

From a retiree, February 18, 2007
Subject: Re: Shirlee re. Caremark
I recently received a notice from Caremark about my cholesterol medication as well. I didn't feel they were pushing a drug in what I received. They asked me if I could take the generic since the name brand drug was going to cost me $125.00 out-of-pocket, per prescription, and they could provide the generic at the regular co-pay if my doctor agreed.
I thought they were being very helpful since the cost of my co-pay for the name brand was going to be so unaffordable. My doctor agreed that there probably wasn't any difference between the name brand and generic. When we spoke on the phone they were actually very helpful.
When they are wrong, or do things I disagree with, I will speak up. When they do things right and that are helpful I will speak up as well. I contacted them regarding a billing issue and the matter was resolved immediately and I was given a credit to my account after about ten minutes on the phone.
Check and see?! They may not be pushing one medication over another as much as it may be an issue of cost saving. Just a suggestion! If you find out otherwise let me know? This was the situation with my cholesterol medication that my personal physician had prescribed. Their recommendation saved me money!
Mr. T for President in 2008
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