Sunday, February 18, 2007

June Hughes and Molly Janczyk re: Husted's anti-public school position

Molly Janczyk to June Hughes, February 18, 2007
Subject: Re: Educators, Mr. Husted thinks your contracts are too generous!
Exactly, we do not create the time off and this unemployed time is the reason many need to work during those 3 months or second jobs . They are forced unemployment with no pay those 3 months. How would Husted like that?
From June Hughes, February 18, 2007
Subject: Re: Educators, Mr. Husted thinks your contracts are too generous! Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 13:33:29 -0500
I watched a tv program this morning and there was a very poignant statement made and I'll try to paraphrase it. "When the end of the day comes for each of us and you are asked "What did you do for the children". What will your answer be? You see children learn everyday by what we do and don't do."
My comment is, why would a legislator refuse to look at what he is doing to children by penalizing dedicated teachers needing a real living wage? If we had been or were paid by the hour we'd be much more wealthy. So he says we have 3 months 'vacation' but you see it's not a vacation but a forced unpaid unemployment. Why would he want to drive talented educators away because of his attitude and others like him, toward a genuine profession. His position as a legislature is not a profession, only a position of trust to care for his constitutes which should include all. Teachers are not teachers for the money because all of us could have made much, much more money, with many perks, if we had gone to the private sector for our living. Husted lives on our public monies from our taxes but refuses to recognize true professions. Let's lower his money because the entire state needs more. He needs to grow up and quit being such a narrow-minded individual. He is the rotten apple in the barrel of real legislators.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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