Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Duke" Snider: Some questions

From Molly Janczyk, March 10, 2007
Subject: RE: Fw: Questions
1. I forget the fund, but where court-won monies go has been answered. Damon can tell us.
2. HC costs cannot come from the pension monies regardless of amount until unfunded liability is at 30 yrs or less at which time STRS can direct more to the HC fund. If liability is over 30 yrs, it must go to pensions.
3. Ramser, in my opinion , will never resign. She thinks she's rt. and doesn't listen to membership, again, in my opinion.
4. Puckett: thick and sure has never seemed to care about spent money.
Lost cause on #4 and 5 . Just my opinion.
WHEN ARE THE ETHICS VIOLATIONS GOING TO CONTINUE? We haven't heard a word. I doubt any will be seriously penalized, though. It will be like Taft. Freel said STRS hasn't been found to have the severity of violations such as OF&P. But, they said all levels of staff would be involved for misdemeanors. Catch 22: Some of that staff is earning buckets of money for us and operated under an entitled Director. Doesn't excuse anything but we are outperforming pension systems in Ohio and the Nation -- just makes me nervous, is all as my first concern is membership and staff that can put us back to secure.
Just my opinion. Nothing more.
From John Curry, March 10, 2007
Subject: Fw: Questions
Duke raises some good questions! Food for thought. Thanks, Duke.
"Duke" Snider to John Curry, March 9, 2007
Subject: Questions

John, Some questions
1. What happened to all the people who were supposed to be charged by the Ethics Commission?
2. According to email, STRS is supposed to get 66.5 million dollars (AOL) -- What is going to happen to this money when STRS receives it?
3. Maybe it's my imagination, but I've read some emails stating in the past few years STRS has done quite well making money -- Then why is health insurance so high for retirees, retirees don't receive a 3% compound raise, no 13th check and on and on?
4. When is Ramser going to do STRS retirees a favor and resign?
5. Wonder how Puckett feels about who spends the most money on meals?
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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