Monday, March 19, 2007

More comments re: ORTA

From Molly Janczyk, March 19, 2007
Subject: Re: Dr. Leone
Correct to my knowledge, preferring to work silently behind the scenes never offending a soul.
From Jim Kimmel, March 19, 2007
Subject: Re: Dr. Leone
From Molly Janczyk, March 18, 2007
Subject: Fw: Dr. Leone
No one from ORTA has spoken at Board meetings since Travis left. I'm sure all would be compliments if they did. Why do they not ask for more minutes for their membership when only a few speakers rather than being hammered out of order after coming hours away.
Chuck Chapman to Rep. Gordon Rice, March 18, 2007
Subject: Fw: Dr. Leone
Gordon, Anything that you can do to help this situation would be appreciated. With Dennis Leone and CORE we have changed the makeup of the STRS Board and are beginning to make some slow headway. If ORTA is to continue representing our needs and concerns they are going to have to speak up at the meetings. Why they will not support Dennis Leone I cannot understand. Without him we would be nowhere. ORTA did not expose the problems at STRS and neither did OEA. It was Dennis who got this thing started. Now he needs the help of OEA and ORTA to continue improving the situation. Members are not going to rejoin ORTA unless they get on the ball and get more proactive.
Chuck Chapman
Legislative Chair for Medina County, Ohio
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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