Sunday, March 18, 2007
Bob Jones to Ann Hanning, ORTA staff, Rep. Gordon Rice, etc., March 17, 2007
Subject: Fw: ORTA's publishing flip-flop!
To all:
This is outrageous. Does my ORTA want to leave room in the newsletter for social commentary, or for something of interest to the membership, I wonder? In the last issue, at a time when retirees are hurting, they, the "leadership," spent 2 or 3 pages for photos of themselves and commentary on awards to themselves and their friends. Those members who are really doing the real work for them, speaking at STRS meetings, etc. are left out of the newsletter both photographically & editorially.
Until stronger players step up to bat and run for office, we members active on the issues over the electronic media, will be left out in ORTA's left field.
RHJones, ORTA Life Member
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