Sunday, April 22, 2007

Kathie Bracy to Gary Russell: Who is privy to Caremark contracts?

From Kathie Bracy, April 22, 2007
Subject: Caremark contract: some questions
Gary --
While I did not receive a response from you to my e-mail (below) of 4/9/07, I did read your explanation to John Curry pertaining to an amendment to Ohio's Public Records law that gives PBMs a handy little hiding place when it comes to disclosure of certain information.
OK -- somebody at STRS is privy to the information in contracts with Caremark. Who? Or is STRS approving Caremark contracts without knowing their full contents? What assurance are we given that we are getting a better deal from Caremark than we would from other PBMs? How are we supposed to know we aren't being scammed? Where's the Sunshine?
Thank you.
Kathie Bracy
(Click here to view 4/9/07 e-mail to Gary Russell)
Gary Russell's 4/18/07 response to John Curry)
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