Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spin time in Summit County? Bob, surely you jest!

John Curry to RH Jones, April 17, 2007
Subject: Spin time in Summit County? Bob, surely you jest!
I find it interesting that some Summit County RTA people found Dennis's letter "negative" in nature. Gee, these folks could get a full time job with some of the media giants as spinmeisters! Let's see...first we have an ORTA initial statement (re. Leone's report) that it was 'old news' and that was the reason for the lack of distribution in the ORTA Quarterly. Now we have the "negative" spin as to why Dr. Leone's letter was not published. Wonder what the next spin will entail??

If they wanted to see "negative" they should have read (some didn't, I'm sure- admittedly including Ramser) Dr. Leone's initial 13 page report re. mismanagement, misspending, and the entitlement attitude of the "old" STRS Board and administration. Then, for good measure, they could reread the court news and been enlightened re. the multitude of criminal convictions of Ohio ethics violations by a majority of former STRS Board members plus the former Executive Director..... now THAT is what you call "negative!"

If it is only "positive" that some in Summit County want....maybe Dennis could have written several paragraphs about the comparisons of the salad bar at the STRS cafeteria as compared to the salad bar at a Summit County RTA meeting. The " I'm only here for the meat and mashed potatoes" crowd could really feel a sense of accomplishment by reading those details!

Reform of a retirement system, legislative bills being lobbied and passed, and the making of sausage aren't pretty processes, but ..it happens. The REAL positive news is that the trio of Leone, Lazares, and AG Dann continue to do "their thing" to the betterment of all Buckeyes! Some people wouldn't recognize that reform is positive news.... even if it bit them in the butt!


a PROUD CORE member
...almost an ORTA member - but now, more-than-ever glad that I didn't join after all
From RH Jones, April 17, 2007
Subject: The employer/employee increase

To all;
At the SummitCRTA Bd. today, it was brought out that the reason the Leone message was not published in the ORTA Quarterly was the comments were negative to STRS and we should focus on the passage of an increase in the employer/employee contribution for HC/Rx.
I agree with this thinking but wonder that my ORTA may be overreacting. It did not seem to me to be negative to STRS when only constructive comments were mentioned in Leone's report. That's my opinion. ( If anyone cares!) Above all, I am for transparency.
RHJones, CORE and ORTA member
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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