Thursday, May 24, 2007

Minutes of May 17, 2007 CORE meeting

CORE held its May 17,2007, meeting in the cafeteria room behind the Sublett Room at the STRS Building. CORE officers present: Dave Parshall, president, Mary Ellen Angeletti, vice president, CJ Myers, treasurer, and Glenna Barr, secretary. Trustees present: Betty Bell. Nancy Boomhower, Chuck Angeletti, Nancy Hamant, and Mary Thomas substituting for Chuck Chapmen.
Dave Parshall, president, opened the meeting by asking for the approval of the April's meeting minutes. Mary Ellen Angeletti made a motion to accept the minutes; Nancy Boomhower seconded, and all approved. CJ Myers gave the treasurer's report.
Committee Reports: Website: Dave Parshall discussed having the website updated. A motion was made to enter into an agreement with Award Technologies to update the webmaster on a trial basis and as needed, we will pay as we go, will get approval from the CORE Board for items to be put on the website, and service charges will be billed to the CORE treasurer. Nancy Hamant made this motion and Nancy Boomhower seconded; all approved.
Old Business:
A. Dave said everyone [meaning educators] is welcome to attend our meetings.
B. Dave gave a report on the ORTA State House Day held on April 24,2007. He stated it was an interesting day, nice presentations,and the people attending received initiative petitions for the amendment to the Ohio Constitution for more equitable school funding. He stated many ORTA members attended but very few attend the STRS Board meetings.
C. Dave read a letter from Marc Dann, Ohio Attorney General, regarding the practice of holding secret ballots. He stated that the STRS Board must vote as a body at their meetings and that they have been in violation of open meeting laws. Mr. Dann will share our concerns with the STRS Board. Dave sent a copy of the letter to Dennis Leone. He will also send a letter to Mr. Dann requesting that he find someone to replace John Patterson, legal counsel to the STRS Board as a representative of the State Attorney General's office.
D. Mary Ellen Angeletti gave an update on John Lazarus, who is still recovering from complications of knee replacement surgery. He wanted to relay to all of the CORE members his thanks for the planter, good wishes and cards during his recent illness and surgery.
New Business: HB bill 151, divestiture of Pension funds from investing in terrorist countries, and HB 152, mandating all school boards to offer separate and alternative retirement plans. Both of these bills are detrimental to STRS funding. CORE opposes both bills. Mary Ellen Angeletti proposed we send out as a CORE Alert the letter Dave wrote voicing opposition to the the bills and urging CORE members to write to their legislators.
A discussion was held on the morning's health care discussion at the STRS board meeting, the encouragement of members to attend the STRS meeting during the winter months, since many of the regular attendees travel south on vacation during the winter, and the salary increase of the STRS investment staff. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be June 14, 2007.
Submitted by Glenna Barr, secretary.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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