Sunday, June 17, 2007

June CORE meeting minutes

The June 14,2007, CORE meeting was held at 11:45 in the cafeteria room behind the Sublett Room. Officers and trustees present: Dave Parshall, President; Mary Ellen Angeletti, vice president; Glenna Barr, secretary. Trustees: Chuck Angeletti, Chuck Chapman, Nancy Hamant, and Betty Bell. A motion was made to accept the May 17th CORE minutes. Chuck Chapman made the motion and Chuck Angeletti, second the motion and all approved. The treasurer, CJ Myers, was not present and Dave Parshall gave her report. and It was filed.
A. The Website report was given by Dave Parshall. The CORE website has been updated, we have a new web administer. We will renew our domain next Oct. Dave was pleased by the new administrator's work. He did a good job. He worked 1 hour and 15 minutes for $99. We do need additional topics on our website. The website is limited and gives information on our policies. Molly wanted to update CORE's history on the Website. Ryan Holderman will chair this committee and edit information handed in to Dave and Dave will get back with him. If you want anything posted on the website, submit it to Dave and he will submit it to the board for approval or to Kathie Bracy for her blog ( Dave thanked Kathie Bracy for her good work on the blog which is for opinions.
B. Contacts and Regional Reps report was not given by Molly Janczyk who was absent. Dave stated she has done an incredible job on this committee.
A. Dave sent CORE Alert regarding HB 151.
B. He sent a letter to Marc Dann, Ohio Attorney Geneeral, asking him to remove Mr. Patterson, his appointee [as legal counsel] to the STRS board.
C. HB 151-Dave talked to Damon Asbury, STRS Executive Director, about 151. Damon told him 151 is being brought to the house floor and informed that the bill was accepted but sent back to Committee, June l3th. Ann Hanning, ORTA Executive Director, went before ORSC, June l3th and they are have a special meeting on HB l5l , June 20th. ORTA is against this bill. The sponsors are really pushing to get this bill through. We as retirees need to contact all our legislators and urge them to vote against this bill. This is a movement to go against teachers retirement plans and unions.
D. Nancy Hamant gave a review of the early l990's educational issues and policies and the changes that have taken place against public education. She states bills 151 and 152 are against public education.
E. Lou DiOrio, ORTA OCHER rep., spoke about our STRS System as a privitized system.
F. An open discussion was held from the CORE members on their concerns about the future of education and how we need to combine all the organizations to lobby against legislations and take action against any that would be detrimental to us.
A note was read from John Lazarus thanking CORE members for their concerns about him. He did not attend the June STRS meeting. Everyone welcomed Paul Boyer and Chuck Chapman back. We had a good attendance at this meeting. Ann Hanning and Lou DiOrio, ORTA reps., attended this meeting. A new member, Sharon Hebenstreit, was welcomed and the meeting was adjourned to attend the PM STRS meeting.
Submitted by Glenna Barr, Secretary.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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