Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I know there are a heck of a lot of smart people out there because I hear from many on a regular basis. I'm sure, too, that people generally understand that I do not have the time it would take to research everything I post on my blog; if I tried to do that, I wouldn't have time to keep it up. I just do the best I can and I know that those who contribute to this blog do the same. By the same token, I am not aware of any instances where someone would deliberately attempt to put out false and misleading information. I am also convinced that people are smart enough to check out anything that appears in print -- ANYWHERE -- if it doesn't sound right to them -- or even if it does sound right. Errors are made from time to time, as we are all human and mistakes happen. I don't know of anyone who isn't eager to correct any errors that are pointed out to them, myself included. Thanks for reading my blog; I know it's not perfect, but it's the best I can do. After all is said and done, just keep in mind that it's only a blog -- no more, no less. Thanks -- KBB 4/4/07
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