From RH Jones, October 29, 2007Subject: Our lion: the gray power of thousands
To all:
This CORE member wants to intensify the fight for passage of HB 315. We are fighting those who have money and power over the Ohio legislature. The only way we can defeat them is with our gray people power in the thousands. Let our thousands be heard!
Note: The rich power mongers “…would rather fight a den of lions led by a sheep, rather than a herd of sheep led by a lion.” said Dennis Courtland Hayes, interim director, NAACP, Sunday, at the Akron Tangier Restaurant organizational meeting. For we STRS retired educators, our lion leader on the STRS board is Dr. Dennis Leone [leone is Italian for "lion"]; and we sheep, also, need to back him 100% in his fight for STRS retirees.
RHJones, a sheep, proud to be a CORE member
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