Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kathie Bracy/Bill Leibensperger dialogue, 12/19/07

From Kathie Bracy, December 19, 2007
Subject: Re: OEA: In the spirit of open communication
Hi Bill --
I don't know why my e-mails aren't getting through, either. I hit the Reply button each time.
As far as the anonymous communication, I agree that in many cases it is gutless and cowardly, but I know there are other reasons, too. Some people are too shy or scared to sign their names; obviously, this is not the case here. There is one other good reason: to protect innocent people. I know this person is not at all shy about signing his/her own name ordinarily, but where there is good reason to think the safety or well-being of others may be at risk, anonymity is the only responsible way to go.
A lot of issues have been laid out, and a lot of people would like to know your position on them, regardless of *who* brings them up, anonymous or not (remember -- we want to talk issues, not personalities). You do not need to sit idly by. You have a perfect opportunity to enlighten all of us, and I sincerely hope you will.
Best wishes to you and yours in the coming days --
Kathie Bracy
From Bill Leibensperger, December 19, 2007
Subject: Re: OEA: In the spirit of open communication
Molly and Kathie,
I do appreciate being kept in the loop. Kathie, for some reason your e-mail responses to me are not getting to my ohea address. I only see them when Molly forwards them to me on my aol account or on the blog. It appears that you have my address correct, so I'll check on this end to see why they are not coming through. It may be because Molly's address is blocked from OEA because of the spamming of a few years ago.
As I said before, I do truly try to understand the anger that I see in these letters, but it strikes me as so deep...beyond the issues themselves. As for the anonymous communication, I can't really deal with that. Anonymous communications are gutless and cowardly by their very nature. I can't imagine what real things this individual is afraid of. His/her letter contains so many factual errors and logical fallacies that I wouldn't know where to begin addressing them. Plus, as I said, I'm not really interested in a public written debate.
As you have probably noticed, I will address actual issues. It is a new day here at OEA, and we will not sit idly by when we or our members are attacked. The "hit and run" or "shoot arrows and hide" accusations are without merit. I am always available, as Molly well knows since we are in regular contact by email, and I speak confidently when I say that Pat and Jim are available as well. As a constiuent organization of STRS we have a right, and our members would say an obligation, to lobby on behalf of our members and make public statements that reflect their views. We will continue to do that. HCA will continue to do that, as well.
I continue to plea for honest communication through civil discourse. We can accomplish so much more when working together toward a common goal like HB315 (which, by the way, would not even exist without OEA) than picking on each other over perceived injustices of the past. I won't give up in trying to keep us all focused on what we can do rather than what we haven't.
I wish you all a most joyful holiday season and best wishes in the new year.
Bill Leibensperger

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