Thursday, December 13, 2007

OFT's Sue Taylor to Mary Thomas: OFT working hard to inform members re: HB 315

From Sue Taylor, December 13, 2007
Subject: RE: OFT highlights HB 315
Dear Mary,
House Bill 315 is the featured story in this edition of the Ohio Teacher. It is on the front page, above the fold.
Additionally, HB 315 story is featured prominently on the home page of our website.
At last Saturday's OFT Executive Council meeting, Herschel Grim and I both spoke about HB 315 extensively.
I believe we have been very diligent to do all that OFT can do to ensure our members understand the issues at hand and the consequences if HB 315 does not get traction and pass. OFT will continue to highlight the need for passage of HB 315.
If you have any more suggestions for ways OFT to get the message across, I'm certainly open.
Thank you.
In solidarity,
Sue Taylor
Ohio Federation of Teachers
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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