From Duane Tron, February 3, 2008
Subject: Re: A smooth transition to a better PBM? One STRS retiree's chronological tale!
Please post that they notified me this past Tuesday that my prescription was on the way. They must have sent it via Russia and China as it still hasn't arrived. If you want a prescription refilled you had better start sending them a month ahead! I'm sending all of my other prescriptions in if it's going to take this long as I'll definitely run out before they fill them. This is outrageous and unacceptable. What a crock! Please note you never heard me badmouth Caremark! Never! Be careful what you ask for as it might not be what you think it will be.

You heard me badmouth the OEA puppets on the STRS Board but never Caremark! I had Express Scripts as a provider in the past so I knew they had terrible service and therefore I am not the least disappointed in them. They have performed down to my every expectation. Express Scripts was lousy when I had them in the past and they are even more lousy today!
Wonderful! We had the OEA puppets on the STRS Board to deal with and now we have a lousy PBM so the OEA-dominated board won't feel so lousy about being lousy! My language is kind today!
Duane Tron
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