Saturday, March 01, 2008

ORTA dismissing candidate?

From Molly Janczyk, March 1, 2008
Subject: Ann Hanning
Ann Hanning has been visiting RTAs. I was told (did not hear myself) that she told membership OEA had a candidate for the Active STRS Board seat and that maybe there were one or two other candidates.
This was well after both Dan Vincent and Tim Myers were notified they qualified. Ann WELL KNEW VINCENT'S NAME AND THAT CORE ENDORSED HIM. ORTA came to the meeting where Dan Vincent addressed us to hear him. They have received information that Dan qualified and IS a candidate FROM ME MULTIPLE TIMES!!!
Shameful. ORTA membership overwhelmingly supports the legal stand that in an election for educators, the educators have the right to hear from all candidates to make informed decisions as stated by our legal opinions and that access to educators is permissible to provide that information. That does not constitute an endorsement; simply giving voters their constitutional rights to hear from candidates in order to decide for themselves.
When an organization makes the wrong decision, it is mandatory for membership to work for change and not allow anyone to dictate withholding information from educators. To do so is equally wrong. How can any organization promote such unequal rights for educators?
Molly J.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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