Monday, April 07, 2008

John Curry thanks a legislator for opposing charter schools

From John Curry, April 7, 2008
Subject: Thank you, Rep. Luckie
Honorable Rep. Luckie,
I am a retired educator from the Wapakoneta City Schools and a benefits recipient of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio. Many in my organization CORE (Concerned Ohio Retired Educators) do understand the damage that for-profit charter schools have done to not only the students but also to Ohio's retired educators. We understand that these charters don't have to abide by the stringent educational standards mandated by the ODE that public school educators have to follow. We know that charters don't have to provide all the educational services that public schools do. We are aware that the profit motive takes precedence over education at these sub-par institutions of learning. We are also aware that these schools do not furnish the salaries nor the benefits that we educators have fought for during our active teaching careers.
You, Rep. Luckie, (and Senator Fedor) have had the courage that we retirees (and active educators) have been looking for in other representatives and appreciate that you are speaking out in opposition to these second class schools. Please continue to be strong in the face of opposition. Please be a voice to cancel out the influence that the charter school backed Speaker of the House, Rep. Husted, has had for all these years. We will will be a long battle but...we will win!
John Curry
Retired educator member of Concerned Ohio Retired Educators

Luckie wants moratorium on new charter schools
By James Cummings
Staff Writer
Monday, April 07, 2008
Dayton Daily News
DAYTON — State Rep. Clayton Luckie, D-Dayton, said Monday that Dayton already has too many charter schools and that he is proposing legislation to put a moratorium on the establishment of new for-profit charter schools.
Luckie said Monday, April 7, at a press conference that a school charter school to be located on Klepinger Road is being opened by an organization with two failed schools in the state, and is being placed in an unsafe area near a bowling alley, bar and a store that sells liquor.
But Roy Swanson, the man who will be the school's principal, said Imagine Schools have a good record in running charter schools and wants to "help parents educate their children" by opening the new school.
Luckie said he feels charter school put an unfair burden on taxpayers and existing school districts by siphoning away money that would otherwise go to public schools.
He was especially critical of what he feels are "fly-by-night operations" that come into districts to make a profit by luring parents to register their children by giving misleading promises.
"I can open a school in my backyard. That doesn't mean it will be a good competitive school," he said. "Anybody can open a charter school. And when you give a dollar to a charter school, you're taking that dollar away from another school."
The kindergarten-to-third grade Imagine school is scheduled to open this fall. Swanson said Imagine has six schools in Ohio and is opening five more, including the site on Klepinger Road.
He said the site received full approval from Dayton's zoning board on the condition that safety improvements including sidewalks are added.
Swanson said Imagine is investing nearly $4 million for the purchase of the site, a former nursing home, and for renovations.
Contact this reporter at (937) 225-2395 or

...a Rep. who is standing up against Ohio's charter school drain?
From John Curry, April 7, 2008
Please click on the link above to obtain video-cam coverage of State Rep. Luckie speaking about the proposed new charter school in Dayton. Rep. Luckie deserves strong support from CORE members who do understand the drain on public schools that the corporate for-profit charter schools place on the public schools. Rep. Luckie's email address is below. I will send him a thank you letter as soon as I send this email. Courageous Reps. like Rep. Luckie deserve our praise and backing. John
REPRESENTATIVE Clayton Luckie (D) District 39
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 466-1607
Fax : (614) 719-6967
Email Address:

Term in Office: 2nd (This includes appointed and elected terms)
City: Dayton
Occupation: Marketing and Sales Director, JEC
Education: A.A.S., Sinclair Community College; B.A., Ohio State University
Standing Committees:
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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