From John Curry, September 20, 2008
What does 13 billion (with a "B") dollars look like? Well, here's my best representation of 13 billion dollars: 
Since November 2007, STRS has dropped 13 billion dollars in investments and.....guess what? Their press release from the Sept. 2008 board meeting mentions nothing of the sort! Could it be that they don't want to talk about it?
Their press release re. the Sept. 2008 meeting is listed below. Now, maybe I am due for a visit to my friendly local optometrist but.... I can't seem to see anything mentioned about this monetary loss. Please read it for yourself to see if I missed something. John
P.S. I see that they did mention the "Performance-Based Incentive program," which is STRS lingo for what we commoners know as a "bonus" program for their (our) investments people. By the way Mr. or Ms. Retiree, where was your bonus this past year? At the meeting, Dr. Leone wanted to "put a hold" on this issue but was shot down by all the other board members by a vote of all of them against Dennis....are you surprised?

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