From Rich DeColibus, October 28, 2008
Subject: Public Records
Dear Gentle(wo)men:
I am still quite upset about the PBIs, and the more I learn, the more upset I get. No, I don't think I'll get over it, and I suspect neither will a lot of other STRS members. More to the point, it is my understanding these PBIs are monies given in addition to our investment counselors' base salaries.
(1) Are their base salaries part of the public record? As a teacher, every part of my personnel file (with a few exceptions like health information) was an open public record. Any citizen of the State of Ohio could request my file and see how much I made in salary and bonuses (actually, I don't recall ever getting any bonuses no matter how well I taught). Since STRS is a state agency, I assume, therefore, as a member in good standing of STRS (and even as just a citizen of the State of Ohio), I am entitled to know what these base salaries are. I am interested in amounts, not individuals.
(2) If, in fact, you do not believe I am entitled to this information, please so inform me by any method convenient to STRS.
(3) If, in fact, I am entitled to know this, I would like to know (A) What is the lowest base salary? (B) What is the highest base salary? And (C) what is the average base salary for our 87 investment counselors?
Thank you for your time and attention to this request.
Rich DeColibus
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