From John Curry, November 26, 2008
Subject: ...."even so they should have been encrypted."
Closing the barn door after the horse got out? Check out #3 response!
From Rhonda Hare/Sandy Knoesel, November 26, 2008
Subject: More questions
Dear Ms. Zerkel,
Mr. Myers asked that I respond to your e-mail of Nov. 23. Below are the three questions you asked with answers in italics.
1. Why did it take Medical Mutual so long to notify us-it was reported Oct 23, 2008 and the letter to me from Medical Mutual was mailed on Nov. 8th? No word until after the 8th from anyone to those of us directly involved. It took approximately two weeks for Medical Mutual to complete their investigation and preparation including making final arrangements with TransUnion plus printing and mailing time.
2. What had been the usual form of delivery for the disks in the past? STRS Ohio’s disks were being hand delivered up to and including the June 2008 disk.
3. Why weren't the disks encrypted in the past? They were being hand delivered but even so they should have been encrypted.
Sandy Knoesel
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