Monday, December 01, 2008

In a basemente deepe and darke alonge Broadstreete….
[With apologies to the late William Shakespeare]

Firste Witch
Rounde aboutte the Cauldronne goe;
Wherein the poison'd Entrails throwe.
Enronne shares into the vatte
Fannie Mae follows thatte
Tongue of Sir Dennis Leonne, may it rotte
Boil thou firste i' the charmèd potte.
Double, double toyle and trouble;
Fire burne and Cauldronne bubble.
Seconde Witch
Eye of Newte, and Toe of Frogge,
Wool of Batte, and Tongue of Dogge,
Composite Markette Indexe doth winne oure vote
We laughe at fooles who believe suche joke
Adder's Forke, and Bloated Paye
Our praises sunge by the feye
While we are only fewe in numbere
We lose billiones while you slumbere
For a Bonus of powerfulle trouble
Like a Hell-brothe, boille and bubble.
Double, double toyle and trouble;
Fire burne and Cauldronne bubble.
Thirde Witch
Scale of Dragonne, Toothe of Wolfe,
Witches' Mummy, Maw and Gulfe
We hunte oure Bonus like a Sharke,
A billione loste a mere Larke
Roote of Hemlock, yes we knowe
For the fewe that oppose us we growe
Silver'd in the Moon's Eclipse,
What care we of Markette dippes,
Make the Gruele thicke and slabbe:
Though be oure investmentes drabbe
Nay, it worries us notte at alle
We have the Boarde within oure thralle.
Double, double toyle and trouble;
Fire burne and Cauldronne bubble.

[Speciale thankes to Richard DeColibus]

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