Monday, December 15, 2008

RH Jones to Mike Nehf re: extra day off at our expense

From RH Jones, December 15, 2008
Subject: Re: 121308 Leone, Black Friday
Re: the STRS employees and their day off.
Dear Mr. Mike Nehf:
To quote our STRS Retired Board Member, Dr. Dennis Leone, in his 12/13/08, 12:30 PM, message to John Curry: "Board policy prohibits the executive director from awarding benefits that are NOT part of a board-approved plan". Sir, if that is the case, it was an audacious mistake. Therefore, as executive director you should deduct an employee day (except for those who worked) from the coming holiday time off. It is the right thing to do for everyone. An unauthorized $175,000 taken away from STRS funding, that could be compounding, hurts employees as well as members.
Respectfully my opinion only,
Robert Hudson Jones, STRS retired teacher
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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