From Tom Curtis, January 29, 2009
Subject: 012909 To Cervantes, Re Black Friday
Hello Mary Ann,
Last month, I wrote you and asked for an explanation of how the board was going to handle the fact that Mr. Nehf, the STRS Executive Director, sanctioned a paid holiday to staff (Black Friday), when that day was not part of the agreed upon holidays listed in either board policy, or the employees benefit handbook.
In other words, he arbitrarily gave a paid holiday to staff, without the permission of the board and obviously at the expense of the stakeholders.
Your very brief response to my communication at that time offered no explanation. There has been a board meeting since that time, and you have offered no further response. Therefore, I find it necessary to write to you again concerning this issue.
Would you kindly address the following questions?
1. Did the board address the issue that the executive director arbitrarily provided staffs with a paid holiday that was not provided in the employee handbook or board policy?
2. If the board did address the above issue, what were the result of the boards' discussion and what action was taken?
3. If you did not address this issue, would you kindly explain why not, as I see this as failure of your duties as described in 3307.15 and in board policy?
Thank you for your timely response,
STRS Stakeholder,
Thomas Curtis
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