Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Franklin County RTA Position Statement and retiree comments

From Molly Janczyk, August 24, 2009
Subject: FW: FCRTA Position Statement
Soon to be $25.50. YOU are not important, June! When will you realize that? WE ARE ACTUARIAL MARKS ON A PAGE. NOTHING MORE!!!!
From June Hughes, April 24, 2009
Subject: Re: FCRTA Position Statement
I only get $51 as a COLA!!!! Holey Moley am I causing so much of the costs? NOT!!!
Leave the COLA for us, the people who did not complete at least 25 years to get retirment money paid in but no benefits if they are eligible to get them from another job (Med A and B) unless he or she was caused to retire under a disability while as an educator.
June H (1990)
From Molly Janczyk, August 23, 2009
I agree Bev. I do not understand the figuring unless you are '80.'!!!!
1. WHY is ANYONE RECEIVING BENEFITS FOR FIVE YEARS?????? That is ridiculous. No benefits unless you have a minimum of 15 yrs. What a waste for us and benefit for those who did not stick to teaching and get benefits from other sources and or did not need to work more due to spousal salaries and benefits, etc.
2. Current retirees should be grandfathered as we have been bled to death already. BEGIN CUTS FOR NEW RETIREES AND FOR THOSE RECEIVING THE 35 YR BENEFIT!!!!! LOWER THEIR COLA! THEY CAN AFFORD IT! The rest of us have given up way beyond what we can afford.
COLA: 5 yrs out from retiring: 1.5% when retire.
Beyond 5 yrs out, must be 60 to receive COLA.
Molly J.
From Beverly Rice, August 23, 2009
Subject: Re: FW: FCRTA Position Statement
I agree. I talked with a recently retired teacher in Urbana a couple weeks ago who is getting $l50.00 as her COLA. She will also get the 35yr. deal. It doesn't get any better. Unfortunately, I retired in 1995 and my COLA is $68.00 and a few cents. All this needs to be taken into consideration to be fair to all retirees. This across the board COLA is totally unfair. It was probably the easiest way to do it. I'm going to email the Board and tell them what I think about this as I hope many others will do. Bev Rice
FCRTA Position Statement -- August 20, 2009
The Franklin County Retired Teachers Association agrees with the Ohio Retired Teachers Association in its support of a guaranteed COLA for current and future retirees. Like ORTA, we understand that changes must be made. A spirit of cooperation is needed to discuss all reasonable options. Everyone involved with STRS, active teachers and employees as well as retirees, must share in any sacrifices.
The COLA must be preserved for as many retirees as possible. Unfortunately, a temporary, tiered approach may be essential so that those who retired at low salaries receive the full 3% with a gradual lowering for those retiring more recently or in the future. Once the economy improves, we urge that benefits to retirees be restored or improved.
Other possibilities we think the STRS board should consider are -- raising the minimum age for retirement; -- increasing the number of years used to calculate final annual salary; -- increasing contributions from currently active teachers; and -- changing the formula for calculating pensions, such as the 35-year enhancement.
Please keep in mind that retirees have already suffered losses including -- constantly increasing health care costs; -- elimination of the spousal insurance subsidy; -- loss of the 13th check; and -- the effects of a non-compounded COLA.
FCRTA realizes that the board must make tough decisions. Even so, the needs of the dedicated educators who served Ohio children in the past, present, and future must be preserved.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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