Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Molly Janczyk: E-mail addresses of Board members

From Molly Janczyk, August 25, 2009
Subj: STRS email addresses

STRS General Board: board@strsoh.org
Mike Nehf: ( Exec. Direc): nehfm@strsoh.org
Mark Meuser (OEA: active):
Conni Ramser (OEA: active): ramserc@strsoh.org
Tai Hayden: (CEA/OEA: active): haydent@strsoh.org
Tim Myers: (OEA:active): tmyers@bright.net
Jeff Chapman: (OFT: retired): twoteach@aol.com
Dennis Leone: (retired): dennisleone@roadrunner.com
Craig Brooks: (Investment Appointee; joint appointment by Speaker of the House and President of the Senate): craig_brooks@sbcglobal.net
Regina Burch: (Investment Appointee by Gov.): rburch@law.capital.edu
Stephen Puckett: (State Super Appointee): pucketts@strsoh.org
Sept. 1: Jeff Chapman term ends. Mary Ann Cervantes stepped down in June.
Dennis Leone can no longer attend. [Retired from the Board 8/09]
Beginning Sept. 1:
Jim McGreevy takes an STRS Retired Seat: mcgreevyjim@yahoo.com; mcgreevyj@strsoh.org
Bob Stein takes an STRS Retired Seat: bobstein@bobstein.us; steinb@strsoh.org
I do not have an individual address for Carole Correthers, the new OEA active Board Member.
But her STRS address should be: correthersc@strsoh.org
Always last name, first initial @strsoh.org
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