Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A superintendent speaks out re: Bonuses

From Carl Berg, September 15, 2009
Subject: Stop the Payment of Bonuses
Members of the STRS Board of Directors;
As an individual who is a re-employed STRS retiree covered by, and again contributing to, STRS, I strongly oppose the payment of any type of bonuses, either immediate or delayed, partial or full, in cash or in kind, to any STRS employees, or individuals contracted for performance of specified tasks by STRS, until such time as the funds controlled by STRS are considered solvent enough to guarantee the future availability to and benefit of its members. The payment off such bonuses are in direct conflict with your recent recommendations to increase the STRS costs to school districts and STRS members in Ohio.
I do not "buy" the notion that STRS will be unable to employ quality personnel without awarding such bonuses. These are difficult times. Quality people will accept less when the need and the greater good calls for such acts.
As a current Ohio educator, I have voluntarily declined to receive any increase in compensation for the 2009-10 school year, and by function of my position, I receive no step increases. I am not receiving any increase in compensation over the amount I received for the 2008-09 school year.
Like many other Ohio educators, past and present, I am doing my part to help all of us not only survive the current economic crisis, but to also help preserve the future for all STRS members. I expect you, as members of the STRS Board of Directors, to do your parts too.
I will be recommending that our Board of Education, and similar such boards of education across Ohio, make their collective views on the payment of bonuses known to you. Further, I am requesting that my colleagues and fellow STRS members serving in other school districts across Ohio also express their opinions to you.
Carl J. Berg
[Supt., Tolles CTC, Plain City]
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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