Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RH Jones: HB 318 - Income tax rate freeze

From RH Jones, October 28, 2009
Subject: HB 318 -- Freeze of the income tax rates

To all:

According to a message sent out by the E & A Coalition Weekly update of Oct. 23, 2009, the Ohio “HB 318 passed the House on Oct. 21 with all the Democrats and two Republicans voting for it. The two Republicans--Representative Ross McGregor and Representative Matthew Dolan—both gave impassionate House floor speeches in favor of HB 318.

The current budget is out of balance in the range of $850 million. With postponement of the income tax rate reductions or an alternative increase in state revenue, public K-12 education will be reduced 10% in FY 2010 and 15% in 2011. Other areas of state government have been cut to the bone already.

Senate deliberations on HB 318 begin the week of October 26. It is time to express our views to our respective senators.”

Every educator both active and retired will be hurt if this does not pass the House. The OEA, OFT, ORTA and CORE are asking all members to contact your state senators now. We cannot depend on Ohio voters voting for the upcoming gambling (Issue 3) on the November Ballot to help fund education. Personally, I think Issue 3 will not pass. The voters want a better bill crafted.

By the way, the two brave Republicans, Reps. McGregor and Dolan deserve accolades from all Ohioans. Such positive thinking will save our Ohio economy.

Educators, without HB 315 the public, the state, the children, and us will be severely hurt: For with a curtailed funding situation in education, Ohio’s future economic condition will, again, I say only worsen. This is not an opinion. This is a fact.

RHJones, retired teacher member of OH STRS

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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