From Donna Seaman, December 10, 2009
Subject: Re: You Are So Correct in Your Assessment...
Hi Jim, Wow, what a nice, encouraging, supportive letter from you! I received it just now (Thurs. early morning) as I am getting up and trying to get motivated to attend another STRS board meeting, an 80 mile drive on this cold, snowy morning. Yes I am so very discouraged at the board's and Mr. Nehf's total lack of concern for retirees. Many of us keep trying but to no avail. Thanks for your comments, I really needed that today!
Donna Seaman
From Jim N. Reed, December 9, 2009
Subject: You Are So Correct in Your Assessment...
Dear Ms.Seaman,
I have read your comments with much interest and completely share your observations regarding the continuing lack of attention by STRS Board members and Executive Director to the necessity, indeed moral obligation, to cut the fat internally.
Isn't it amazing how much emphasis has been given to the recommended reductions in active and retiree benefits targeted for current and future educators without any mention of trimming the obesity of perks granted those whom we employ at STRS.
As I have frequently stated, as long as our (STRS) retirement funds are subject to the disconne
cted decisions made by members of another retirement system (PERS), we have little hope that the legal, ethical, or moral interpretation of fiduciary responsibility within STRS will ever see the light of day. Has there ever been a more obvious model of the fox guarding the hen house!
I am appalled by the lack of recognition of the reality attributable to your recent letter by educators, retired and active, in Ohio. Even after 45 years in public education it has never ceased to astound me when it comes to the apathy, disinterest and passiveness of so many in our profession.
Isn't it also interesting that the OEA and ORTA continue to remain asleep at the wheel regarding this issue? What are these organizations for if not to represent and protect the welfare of those that have made hefty contributions for that expected support as actives or retirees?
I applaud your continued vigilance and courage to speak out against the stunning absurdity of suggesting the plethora of reductions and "take-aways" for educators while the people in the palace have spent and continue to spend as though they are unaware of their irresponsible contributions to the $40 billion loss.
Any recommendations to the ORSC for fiscal policy adjustments to correct the bad times within STRS are a farce as long as internal house cleaning remains out-of-bounds.
The public image of STRS has suffered immeasurably over the past decade among
STRS-literate members and several investigative reporters. There has been little damage control exhibited by the STRS Board and Executive Director. We are encouraged to forget the heritage of embarrassment and move forward.
Thank goodness for the reform-minded efforts of former Board members Dr. Dennis Leone and Mr. John Lazares during this decade. I can't even imagine the plight of our retirement system had these two courageous watchdogs not confronted the inept policy making and administration that has plagued the once proud STRS.
Jim N. Reed
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