Thousands of Utah public servants in Utah rally at the Capitol in Salt Lake City to protest potential changes in state retirement plan

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With one proposed bill, employees hired after July 1st, 2011 would have to invest in a 401-k type program or put their money into a pension plan with greatly reduced benefits. Liljenquist said, "This is still a very rich retirement. It's two to four times larger than in any the private sector is offering." Teacher Stephanie Povey said, "Even though that might not affect me, it will affect the future teachers that are attracted to this profession. And it will really stop them from considering this as a ca

A second bill will stop payments to retired workers that have been re-hired. It's a practice known as double-dipping where people collect both a paycheck and a pension. Liljenquist says the bill is important because, "The problem is that it's changing behavior. We're changing the pension system from a retirement system to a supplemental income system."
Many people at the rally accused Liljenquist of moving too quickly. They say the s

The retirement system changes are expected to go before a senate committee on Wednesday.
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