To: Retired educators
Re: Service to ORTA members
Although I have been called "impolite" by an ORTA board member, as a Life Member I think ORTA's statement should read: ORTA Leadership's Position on Long-term solvency Plan of STRS. None of the retired educators that have communicated with me has, as ORTA says: "hoped that the 2% COLA for current retirees (and the 1.5% for future retirees) is retained..." (See below).
As the ORTA membership knows, retired educators now receive a flat fixed 3% COLA. Only the well-off and rich members, whom I have talked with, agree to a -- perhaps illegal -- cut from 3% down to 2%. The "leadership" position in not as they say: "reasonable and responsible" in relation to the their representation of the average ORTA member. I think they are woefully unrepresented. In their position statement, it is evident that the "leadership" does not understand that this cut will drive away the best Ohio educators from seeking employment in Ohio, and from spending their paychecks here.
Further, I think the "leadership" has hauntingly ignored the position of the majority membership to stand firm against the thought of cutting our COLA; and, therefore, has done a disservice to the membership. If anything, ORTA should be working hard for Ohio to become once again the "Cadillac" of STRS pensions. To reach that goal, retired educators must have a compounded COLA, and fully paid HC/Rx with full dental, vision and hearing coverage. That position, also, in my educated opinion, would attract America's best teachers to teach Ohio's youngsters. Can the "leadership" not see that in this competitive technological age, common sense concludes that only the well-trained worker will have an honest chance in the future for good income and the financial security? As more tax dollars are paid, the State of Ohio fares better as well.
I would expect that those in ORTA's "leadership" have been highly trained as most have Master's degrees or a PhD. Over the past few years, I have wondered: is compassion lacking as part of their education?
RHJones, Life Member of ORTA
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