Jim Stoll: Independent thinker, tireless worker and candidate for Active Seat on the STRS Board

Support Jim Stoll
Stop The Rampant Spending!
And The Cutting of Our Pension Benefits!
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In the past two years, over 1,400
· I ask for your support in the upcoming STRS Board Election which will begin on
· Every teacher deserves the right to retire under the current rules which have governed for the many years which we've paid into STRS. However, STRS now proposes dramatic cuts to our pension benefits because of their own mismanagement.
· If you think it is unfair for STRS to tell all teachers who have less than 25 years in the system that they NOW must teach for 35 years or until age 60 before retiring, and at the same time tell you to contribute more, then I need and want your vote.
· If you want to stop the drastic and unfair changes proposed by STRS before the Ohio Legislature votes on them next year - then I need your vote.
· I have worked in the past year with
· If you are unhappy with the proposed changes to your retirement system then you must vote for a change to the current Board and its status quo. The current STRS Board has obviously not served you well in protecting your retirement investments and benefits. Stop The Rampant Spending – Support Jim Stoll!
· I will protect the COLAs (cost of living adjustment) for retirees and work to preserve the Health Care Fund that is critical to all teachers upon their retirement. All teachers should realize that a retirement without Health Care is no retirement at all.
Active teachers: On
Vote for James A. Stoll for the Active STRS Board Seat.
About Jim Stoll:
Jim Stoll is the Director of Athletics at
Jim is also a successful business owner who in the summer months founded a company called ProCamps, www.procamps.com, which puts on youth sport camps for professional NBA and NFL athletes around the country. Knowing full well the diligence, hard work and sacrifice required to succeed in business, Jim has fought hard against the outrageous spending practices and incredibly huge bonus awards for STRS investment staff that continue unchecked while the STRS pension fund lost almost 33 Billion dollars of its assets (your dollars) in 2008 and 2009. In turn, this has led directly to proposed drastic and undesirable changes in your pension benefits.
This is what Jim Stoll intends to change. (Posted 3/2/10)
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