From STRS, July 20, 2010
STRS Ohio was recently asked to provide information pertaining to our members and benefit recipients by the eight major daily newspapers in Ohio. STRS Ohio has declined the request, to the extent it sought personal information of individual members. The Ohio Revised Code prohibits STRS Ohio from releasing personal history information about individual members, such as their monthly benefit amounts, without the written authorization of the member.
The other four public pension systems in Ohio - Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, School Employees Retirement System, Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, and the Highway Patrol Retirement System - received the same request.
While STRS Ohio is unable to provide the individual information the newspapers have requested, we have referred them to STRS Ohio's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (which is posted on the STRS Ohio Web site). It contains a significant amount of collective statistical data about STRS Ohio's members and benefit recipients, including benefit expenses by benefit type and amount, and a schedule of average benefits with average monthly benefit, average final salary and number of recipients.
As a fiduciary, STRS Ohio must exercise the highest standards of trust, care and skill with respect to the interests of the system's members and beneficiaries. Our response to this records request complies with that fiduciary responsibility and Ohio law.
Thank you.
Michael J. Nehf
Executive Director STRS Ohio
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