Sunday, February 20, 2011


From Dave Parshall, February 20, 2011
CORE members, as President of CORE and a retired educator, I am urging those of our members who can join in the protest at the State House on Tuesday, Feb. 22. The well-being of our old profession is important to all retirees. The STRS system is both active teachers and retirees. Each have had an important role in producing a safe and secure retirement for educators.
Once the rights of current teachers are gone, they will then go after retirees' benefits. Who will stop them? But those of us who can, need to be there to support all educators and public employees. This bill has nothing to do with economics and is far more than an attack on unions. It is an attempt to eliminate democracy and a two party system.
Dave Parshall
CORE President
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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