Sunday, October 09, 2011

Nancy Hamant re: hypocrisy when one considers Issue 1 and then Issue 2!

From Nancy Hamant, October 9, 2011
Subject: Comments on SB 5 and...public servants, I know where I will never buy
What makes a Judge's experience on the job more valuable than a teacher's? or a fire fighter's? or a policeman's or a clerk's?
I continue to be perplexed about the hypocrisy of two issues we are being asked to vote on this November in Ohio...Issue 1 and Issue 2!
In Issue 1, voters are being asked to let Judges who are 70 or more, continue to serve as judges or we will lose their years of wisdom. In Issue 2, voters are being asked to not pay educators and public workers based on their time teaching because as one advertisement states "it is just seat time". What makes a Judge's experience on the job more valuable than a teacher's? or a fire fighter's? or a policeman's or a clerk's?
The legislation being proposed is inconsistent and based only on conflicting political ideals!
Ohioans this is your chance to set the legislation straight. Know what you are voting on, and vote your convictions!
Nancy Hamant
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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