Rich DeColibus: Another take on the NFL and public education

NFL players individually negotiate their contracts (or, more accurately, their agents do) and we should immediately move to a similar system. Staying with just Ohio, we have over 100,000 teachers which would require 100,000 agents to negotiate for them. Logic would suggest that maybe one agent could represent more than one teacher, which would diminish the agent problem. Actually, if teachers were grouped into cohesively geographic units, like school districts for example, one agent could represent large groups of teachers,

Moving along, the median salary for NFL players is $770,000 (2009 figures) which takes into account roughly six months of training, pre-season, and regular season work. This is an acceptable beginning salary for a teacher, as long as it is adjusted upward for the fact teachers work nine months a year instead of six months. As we all know, as football players age, and take repeated physical punishment, their ability diminishes over time, while as a teacher gains more experience through a thirty-year career, they only get better and better. Therefore, the median $770,000 salary is a starting point which should only go up as time goes on. Yessiree, that NFL analogue is looking better and better. Later, we can adjust the salary proportionately for the fact NFL players work, at the ultimate most, sixty minutes a week while teachers, at the very least, work one thousand, two hundred minutes a week.

Maybe the best part of a NFL contract is it's a contract. The management has to pay you no matter what. Twist an ankle and have to sit on the bench for five months, those paychecks just keep on rolling in. Just think: you're on the way to school, you slip on the path to your garage, oops, sprained knee. Can't possibly work this fall but, of course, management would still have to send you your $29,615 bi-weekly paycheck. Not bad for a first-year teacher. They may drop you after your contract runs out but, after 26 paychecks of $29,615 each, who cares; you'll just sign up with another district next year.
It goes without saying all health care and medical expenses are picked up by management, as

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