Monday, January 14, 2013

A retiree is suddenly forced to use mail order for her prescriptions instead of being allowed to continue using her local pharmacy

A letter to John Curry from a retiree, 1/14/2013
(forwarded to Dennis Leone)
I believe that Dennis Leone must be elected to the STRS board. I will let everyone who needs to know the solid reason for his election. Now, I have another concern. I don't know exactly who I should contact or who would listen to me. I am diabetic. I did not wake up one day and said, "I think I will be diabetic today." I test my blood four times a day. I went to renew my prescription at my local pharmacy and was told that I could not renew. I HAD to send the prescription in to be mailed to me. They have taken away the right to fill my prescription locally. I am so angry that I am having a hard time being rational and able to think this through. Who do I talk with? Who do I tell that they are totally wrong? I have Aetna Plus. My prescription has been covered by what? I am not alone, but I will not sit back and take it, I will fight. This is not right. Please advise. Thank you so much. God bless your communications with teachers. I appreciate what you do so much.
From Dennis Leone, January 14, 2013
(xxx) -- here is something I can do that might be helpful: I will call Sandra Knoesel or Greg Nickell at STRS for you today and share with her/him your situation. These are the 2 people at STRS who know the most about the STRS health insurance/prescription medication plans. I will ask one of them to call you, at the phone number you provided below. I suspect you may be hearing from one of them today, as both have been responsive in the past when I have asked them to contact a retiree and offer help.
Dennis Leone
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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