Bev Kenney's speech to STRS Board September 16, 2021
From Bev Kenney
I would like to share an allegory today.
When a young lady attends a college class, the professor introduces himself and tells about the class. Then says , “ If you want to earn an A in my class, this is what you need to do.” The motivated student starts her checklist:
Earn a bachelors degree and secure a teaching job in the state of Ohio.- check. Earn a Master’s degree. A little tougher working full time starting a family. - check. Get to the top of your districts pay scale. In this lady’s case that was a Master’s plus 45. A lot tougher, working full time, three kids, not much reimbursement available. But-check.
Now Professor STRS says, “ You have done what you needed to do to earn your A. Now you need to decide what percentage of an A you want. If you work for 30 years that is a certain percentage, 35 year higher, more than 35 higher - however - in 2015 the rules will change." So the motivated student decides to retire in 2015, with 36 years of service and confidence she earned her A. However, when she gets her transcript she has a C-!
Certain there has been a mistake, she appeals to professor STRS. His response is too bad things change. She appeals to the board. She gets very little or no response from the members of the board. She appeals to the higher legislative body only to learn that they washed their hands of this premier university in 2012.
I earned my A! This board has earned an F! You have failed me, failed all the teachers here with me today, failed every active and retired teacher in the state of Ohio. You have failed us.
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