Thursday, March 03, 2022

STRS: Why are the cafeteria expenses so high if they aren't feeding very many people during the pandemic? Or are they delivering meals to all those employees who are working from home? You tell us!

From John Curry

March 3, 2022

Remember that cafeteria at STRS that hasn't been able to serve food to STRS stakeholders during Board meetings? That's the same cafe that has served a severely diminished Associate staff for quite a while now due to Covid, right? Well....I don't think that this is the location where STRS has been "cooking the books," but they've been cooking lots of something else in that closed (to visiting teachers) cafeteria. Thanks to we now have a record! Here is data on that cafe for the fiscal year 2020! I'd say they've been eating "pretty high off the hog," how 'bout you?

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company