Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dr. Rayfield educates the State Board of Education on a few doings at STRS

By Cindy Murphy

February 14, 2023

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"It is an unequivocal fact. Ohio teachers have the worst pension deal in America."

Dr. Robin Rayfield, Executive Director of the Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association (ORTA), addressed the State Board of Education today.

He addressed the voting history of STRS Ohio Board member Dr. Scott J. Hunt, who was appointed by Stephanie K. Siddens, Ph.D., Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction, to serve as her desginee on the STRS Ohio Retirement Board.

Dr. Rayfield also addressed the perennial granting of large bonuses to STRS Ohio investment staff, while Ohio teachers' retirement benefits have been continuously reduced since 2012.

Dr. Rayfield's presentation begins at 34:40 and continues for 20 minutes.


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