Wednesday, April 05, 2023

State Auditor: STRS could be worth $180 billion instead of $90 billion had they invested wisely

From John Curry

April 5, 2023

A message from John Curry to active teachers:

Active teachers, some of you are getting lots of garbage from the OEA in the form of texts, pictures and other media methods re. just what a great job of investing STRS has done. IF you receive this garbage just send them this pix below and ask them to explain why our very own Auditor of the State of Ohio furnished this chart to all citizens of Ohio  on page 28 of his Special Report. If they still can't seem to understand tell them to call up the Auditor's office for an explanation!

A chart from the State Auditor's report in 2022

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company