Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Statement from STRS Board member Wade Steen


May 8, 2023


"I believe that Mike DeWine would never knowingly do anything inconsistent with Ohio law. The attempt to revoke my appointment by a staff member was a clerical error. I am confident the Governor will step in and fix this issue. The reform movement that has been talked about at the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (STRS) is being driven by teachers. Ohio educators have elected new members or “reformers” in each of the last five elections over the last few years. Change at STRS has been a slow and deliberate process. Ohio educators would never do anything to harm their pension.

I am disappointed that a staff member sought to revoke my appointment to the STRS Board after I declined to immediately resign. I have been advised that I serve for the term for which I was appointed and not at the pleasure of the appointing authority. I greatly respect Governor Mike DeWine and would ask to work with his office to improve the lives of Ohio teachers. During my seven-year tenure on the board I have been an unrelenting advocate for all STRS members - contributing and retired teachers. I will be advocating for teachers until my term ends on September 27, 2024."

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Background: The 11-member STRS board is composed of seven teacher-elected members (five active teachers and two retired teachers) and four members appointed by various state officials. ORTA-supported reform candidates overwhelmingly have won the last five board elections, including the announcement made on Saturday, May 6th that pro-reform candidate Pat Davidson defeated incumbent Arthur Lard in a landslide (70 percent to 30 percent.) Wade Steen, as the Governor’s appointee, also supports reform efforts. As a result of this spring’s election, reform board members will constitute a majority of the 11-member board when Pat Davidson is sworn in on September 1st.

On Friday, May 5th the Governor’s office notified Wade Steen that his appointment to the STRS board was revoked after he refused the request for him to resign. Wade Steen responded that the Governor’s office does not have the legal authority for such action per Ohio law.

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