Friday, June 16, 2023

Sue Brannan to STRS Board: CUT EXPENSES!

By Sue Brannan

June 15, 2023

Good Morning,

My name is Sue Brannan. I retired with 30 years of service in 1995. The last 25 of these years were with a suburban public school system in NE Ohio.

The financial issues facing the viability of STRS for the next 2 decades, never mind the next 100 years, are overwhelming. There are NO Quick & Easy Solutions. So, when facing financial issues, what does the individual, family, community, school district, or STRS do?


We can all appreciate that one or possibly several cuts will only put a band aid on our financial future shortfalls.

One major financial cost, that has been addressed before is the STRS headquarters, affectionately called the “TAJ”!

This STRS building is on 7 acres of desirable downtown property. Does STRS, with 520 employees, require a 7 story building on 7 acres to function? Ask our employed Real Estate experts. What do the jobs, in the various departments require in terms of work space. Survey the employees. Begin by asking how many want to work in downtown Columbus. How many want to commute? Work at home?

Just examining several March 2023 expenses:

Total utilities $75,322 Year-to-date 843,235

Elevators 3,820 13,302

Property tax & Leases 9,056 162,462

Uniforms 3,022 28,391

(These 4 expenses for March = $91,220 but the Year-to-date figure = $1,047,390.)

Over the years, there have been thousands of dollars spent for washing windows, parties on “our” dime, a Brown's Yearbook & the oft mentioned “Integrity” statue. Large and small cost saving measures accumulate over time & could positively impact the future financial stability of STRS. Thank you.

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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