My name is Robin Beebe. Retired teacher of mainly 4th Graders and Kindergarteners. 35 years. Fremont City Schools and Perrysburg Schools.
I almost did not get up here to speak today as I am basically STUNNED and SPEECHLESS due to the CRAZINESS that is going on here at STRS!!! If you are not a reform-minded STRS Board Member, you should hang your head in shame as it is SHAMEFUL what you are perpetrating on retired and active teachers in Ohio. GOOD GOLLY, MISS MOLLY!!!! HOLY TOLEDO!!! What is wrong with this picture????
However, upon further reflection… I am before you….
Speaking of “pictures”, the Academy Award Oscars were just held last week.Well, I am here to announce the “STRS Oscar Awards of Shame” awarded by famous movies.
* To the “3 Minutes Allotted Public Comments with the 1 Minute Warning Interruption” goes the Close Encounters of the Third Kind award.(Note: Hold up 1, 2, 3 fingers for emphasis.) * To the “Over Abundance of Actuarial Tables” goes the Primal Fear award and the Apocalypse Now award.
* To all the “Bonuses, i.e., PBI – Performance Based Incentives” goes the Fistful of Dollars award.
* To the “14% Contribution Rate for Active Teachers” goes the Mamma Mia! award. * To the “Communications Department” goes the Lost in Translation award.
* To the “Private Equity Hedge Funds” goes the The Wolf of Wall Street award.
* To the “Divisive Glass Wall” goes the Rear Window award.
* To the Governor’s Revolving Door of Replacement STRS Board Appointees” goes the Game of Thrones award. * To the “Heated Sidewalks” goes the Some Like It Hot award.
* To the “INTEGRITY Statue” goes The Last of the Mohicans award.
* To the “Investment Staff” (it’s a tie) goes The Raiders of the Lost Ark award and the Catch Me if You Can award.
* To the “No COLA, No COLA, No COLA, No COLA, etc.” goes
the Ground Hog Day award. * To the “Out of State STRS Real Estate Holdings” goes The Money Pit award.
* To the “Town Hall Dog and Pony Show Meetings” goes the Pulp Fiction award.
* To the “Series of Retirees You Should Know Videos” goes the La La Land award.
* To the “Half Billion Dollar Panda Loss” goes the Gone with the Wind award.
* And last, but not least, to “Mr. Wade Steen” goes the Waiting for Godot award. POPCORN, ANYONE??? KARMA???
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