Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tom Curtis on how OEA has failed teachers: The OEA has failed to protect the most valued part of every teacher's career, our STRS pension system, from the scammers who have been looting it for over 30 years.

From Tom Curtis

June 30, 2024
I continue to be asked by STRS members what they can do to help.
There is really only one thing you and all of the membership can do and that is to try to educate the membership about the corruption and looting that has been on going at STRS for 30 years with the collusion and approval of the OEA and the Ohio Retirement Study Council (ORSC), and most recently, the Governor and all of his cabinet.
We are fighting an opponent few realize, huge corruption in this state by our politicians. STRS has been looted of multi-billions of dollars and the OEA has been there and colluded in that theft.
How the OEA-supported Board members could have been taken in so easily and gone down this path is beyond me, but that is exactly what has transpired and the OEA leadership at all levels is in total denial of this.
The vast majority of the local union presidents don't want to hear about this. They are not prepared to deal with it. They are teachers first and want to believe that the OEA is there to protect them, when the OEA has NOT protected our retirement system. They have failed us miserably.
Local union presidents do not have the time to be a teacher, union president, spouse, mother or father and deal with the fact that the union they represent, the OEA, has been and is a traitor to all educators. Most will not even listen to the reality of the situation.
The OEA has failed to protect the most valued part of every teacher's career, our STRS pension system, from the scammers who have been looting it for over 30 years.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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