Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Flashback, 12/26/04; Veralu Thornberg to Dave Travis: Why not Dennis Leone?

From John Curry, 12/27/05
CORE member Veralu Thornberg really hit the nail on the head with this FLASHBACK letter to Dave Travis of ORTA.
From: Veralu Thornberg
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004
Subject: Why not Dennis Leone?

Dear Mr. Travis,
I, like many ORTA , STRS, and CORE members, am thoroughly disgusted with the fact that you and the other members of the selection committee chose not to endorse Dennis Leone for election to the retiree's seat on the STRS Board. He has worked diligently for all retirees -- and actives, too. Instead you have chosen people whose names and accomplishments are unknown to vast numbers of our retirees. I am one of the 'old' retirees whose income is not much, and I'm hoping we can get board members who are interested in making life more livable for us. Unfortunately, I am a life member of ORTA (for 18 years) I have been severely disappointed with some of the decisions made by the leaders at ORTA. Why are you afraid to have Dennis Leone as one of our STRS Board members? We need people who will try to stop the wasteful spending at STRS.
Veralu Thornberg
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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