Monday, December 26, 2005

John Curry -- Flashback: 1 year ago, and STILL continuing today! Our money THEIR kids @ $7000 per year (OUR money) per kid

What a "non-difference" a year makes. John (12-26-05)

From: John Curry

Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004
Subject: Emailing: benefits

Look under "state" on this alphabetized list. Can't see any other Ohio retirement system offering adoption bennies to their employees-for that matter, can't find any other state of Ohio agencies! Your STRS monies at work! Click on the link below to see what companies and organizations supplement their employees for adoption expenses. The late Dave Thomas (Wendy's fame) talked STRS management into this expense at our expense. Wonder if Ronald McDonald will "come a knockin' " next? John
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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