Monday, March 27, 2006

RH Jones: Health care essential ESPECIALLY for teachers

From RH Jones, March 27, 2006

To all:

In previous E-mails I have sent data backing risks professional educators have to their health and safety. A comparison was made concerning similar exposure to violence as Police/fire. Today's Beacon, 03-27-06, Section D front page, backs my contention that educators are exposed to health risks far greater than any other profession, including medicine! They reported a study by Charles P. Gerber a microbiologist at Arizona U. which indicated: teachers' desks ranked highest in germ infestation, with 17,800 bacteria per square inch. (Ranking over 700 are considered dangerously unclean.) In comparison doctors were 2,620; although dangerous, this is far less bacteria than teachers are exposed too.

The Ohio legislature must acknowledge the high risks that we are exposed over our 30-yr careers. As the STRS has requested a 2.5% employer increase, and a 2.5% employee increase, remains essential for retired teachers.

Robert Hudson Jones,
Retired Professional Teacher and proud member of CORE
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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