Saturday, June 10, 2006

John Curry: Questions for Damon

John Curry to Damon Asbury, June 10, 2006
Subject: Re: United Healthcare and others
Damon, thank you for this additional information. I will share it with the "troops."
From Damon, Friday, June 9
I do not believe that there is any way that STRS monies could be involved in any way with the situation referred to in the Dispatch. We have absolutely no relationship to the Southwestern City Schools insurance program or with the vendors identified in the article.
STRS Ohio uses the services of Grossman and Associates, Inc. of Beachwood, Ohio as the broker for securing health care coverage for associates. Ned Grossman is the principal owner and he works directly with STRS in the process. The firm has worked with STRS Ohio for more than 20 years and has rendered exemplary service in negotiating fees with carriers. Grossman also works with many other school district insurance consortium bodies across Ohio.
Grossman has fully disclosed his compensation and commissions with STRS. The firm is compensated directly through commissions with the various carriers. In our case, the firm receives 3% of the premium paid to UHC. This is paid directly by UHC and STRS makes no direct payment to Grossman and we have filed his information with the Ohio Department of Insurance.
I have tried to answer your questions specifically, but please let me know if you have additional questions.
John to Damon, June 6, 2006
Re: United Healthcare and others
Thank you for your reply that didn't totally answer my question and it brings up another question.
From my original question that hasn't been answered:
1. "What guarantee do we have that a situation similar to this alleged incident didn't also involve STRS monies?"
2."Is this being studied?"
The new question I have is in relation to your answer below which I will quote: " We do not use the individuals referenced in the article to represent us in the negotiation with UHC." This new question is as follows:
3. Who (individuals and groups) does represent "us" in negotiations with UHC?
If you feel it is not in the best interest to answer one or more than one of the above questions, please advise and we will understand.
Damon to John, June 6, 2006
You are correct in that UHC is the third party administrator used by STRS for associate health insurance coverage. We do not use the individuals referenced in the article to represent us in the negotiation with UHC.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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