Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mary Ellen Angeletti to Susan Zelman: Please explain Puckett's vote

From Mary Ellen Angeletti, June 27, 2006
Subject: Steve Puckett's vote
Dr. Zelman,
I was dismayed at the STRS Board meeting on June 15th to witness Steve Puckett's vote against restraining the STRS Executive Director's spending of retiree funds without the okay of the STRS Board. The Board must be KNOWLEDGEABLE about the money the Executive Director spends and also the contracts he makes and must VOTE on the spending and the contracts. This is the fiduciary responsibility of each and every Board member. Puckett's vote against is irresponsible and I am furious that he represents the Ohio Department of Education. I would appreciate an explanation.
Mary Ellen Angeletti,
STRS retiree
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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