Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nancy Hamant: We need a PBM system like Wisconsin's

June 28, 2006
Dr. Asbury, Ms. Knoesel, and STRS Board Members:
Warren County Retired Teachers Association (WCRTA) would greatly appreciate STRS contacting Wisconsin to gather information about the system that they have set up to eliminate the unacceptable costs charged by the current large PBMs. Wisconsin's system appears to be saving considerable money while only charging $5 for generics, $15 for level 2 drugs, and $35 for level 3.
STRS needs to lead the state of Ohio in changing to an equitable and cost efficient system.
WCRTA would appreciate all of STRS's efforts be expended to bring about these changes and look forward to responses as to the feasibility of a system similar to Wisconsin's.
Nancy B. Hamant,
WCRTA Legislative Chair
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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