Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Al Rhonemus writes Board member Puckett re: His vote on spending cap for executive director

June 28, 2006
Dr. Puckett: I assume you are to be an educator, or have been in the past. I, too spent my entire occupation as a high school teacher, for which I have no regrets; however, as a retiree and am now 80 years young, I did learn that "common sense" is of the utmost importance when dealing with others.
I am very disappointed that you had the nerve to not put a cap on the Director to STRS a cap on his authorizing expenditures WITHOUT board approval. What were you thinking? Who put pressure on you? From where are you coming?
Please answer me, or is it much easier to delete messages before reading and responding?
Sincerely yours,
Alfred C. Rhonemus
Note: In her original motion (at the May Board meeting), Judith Fisher would have put the executive director's spending cap at $1 million. The vote on this motion was:
Yes: Fisher, Meyers, Puckett, Chapman, Flannagan, Billirakis, Ramser
No: Leone, Lazares, Brown
Abstain: Buser
Brown voted against the motion because it would expand the Board's fiduciary responsibilities.
At the June meeting, the Board approved a $100,000 spending cap. Dennis Leone's original motion was to set this cap at $50,000.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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